Wednesday, January 6, 2010


While you read this post I would like you to get a song in your head. It's to the tune of "Woolie Booley" but it goes "Boogie Boogie". I have received several complaints (from Aunt Shlee) about the gross boogie picture. I wanted to tell you I don't always leave snot on my daughter's face. I found these boogie wipes at Walgreens, though they're probably everwhere, and they are fantastic! They dissolve boogies and snot like you wouldn't believe, they are soft so it doesn't hurt to wipe 3000 times a day, and they smell really good! If you have a snotty baby I recommend Boogie Wipes!

1 comment:

Michael Berbert said...

I have always wondered about those. I figured they worked just like wipes maybe not. I will give them a try.