Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pure Joy

Is there anything better than the sound of a child laughing? Especially the freakin' cutest child ever?? Erin just discovered that she can walk with this adorable little shopping cart that Cindy gave her for her birthday. We spent about an hour cruising back and forth from the kitchen to the sliding glass door, and she laughed her head off the entire time. It's so cute I can't even stand it. She can get going pretty fast! Of course she needs assistance to turn it around and redirect when she hits things like Tyson's suitcase that's still not put away. Thanks Grandma!


and again...

I am going to have to shopping cart proof everything!


C.LEE said...

That is so fun! What a great gift! Sadie got a doll stroller from my mom for her one year and both her AND gabe love it!

shy said...

karlee that is so freakin cute i wish i could have seen it.

Falling Foward with Grace said...

How fun! She is getting ready for when Ammon comes so they can run around together!