Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Pits

It really is the pits when your baby is sick. Erin has had the beginnings of a cold for a couple days, and it was suspected that she had an ear infection. On Friday night she only slept from 11:00 pm to 2:00 am. Then she cried every 10 minutes the rest of the night. Then on Saturday night, she cried every 10 minutes the whole night. Finally at 1:30 am, I called the doctor's office and got her an appointment for 3:10 am. Ug. Sure enough, she had an ear infection. The doctor gave us amoxicillin, and ear numbing drops, and told us she was old enough and heavy enough to double the dose of Tylenol and Pediacare we were giving her, because it wasn't helping her at all at the doses we were giving her. We gave her the ear drops and put her back to bed at 4, but she was up again at 5:30. Needless to say, we are sleepy. It does seem like she is feeling better, now, though. She is at least happy and smiley again! Hopefully she will sleep tonight. Wish us luck!!


Alena said...

It IS hard isn't it...Oh, I am so glad to be done with babies. 12 years is quite long enough. Love all the newer posts too.

Falling Foward with Grace said...

It is so frustrating and heart breaking. I am sorry! Ammon just got over being sick. Tell Erin to get better