Sunday, March 28, 2010

My One Year Old

My baby is no longer a baby. She is a "toddler". I guess that term only applies if she is toddling, though, which she isn't just yet. She's almost there, though. She took her first successful step on my birthday, the 25th of March. She can stand pretty well on her own, and she's trying! Her hair is getting longer in the back, but it has a weird band of either really light colored hair, or no hair wrapping around the back of her head, it's weird. She does say words, now: "Hi" was first, then "Dad", then "Uh-oh"-the cutest, then sort of "Kitty". That last one is only kind of a word, she says it more like a sound. She has 8 teeth now! We took her to a plastic surgeon for kids, and they will schedule the removal of her ear tags in 3-6 months. Can you believe how far out their appointments are? Anyway, I will be kind of sad to see them go. I think they are cute. But you know how cruel kids can be. Here are her big One Year pictures!


C.LEE said...

What adorable pictures!!! I can't believe she says hi! Sadie doesn't say that one yet!

shy said...

I love the pics karlee. They all turned out so cute.