Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rylee is 9 Months Old!

Rylee is 9 Months!

It was really hard to get the picture this month because...she can crawl now!  She has finally figured it out.  It is so cute to watch her move wherever her little heart wants to go!  I have to be careful of what I leave on the floor, now.  At least we wont have to have temporary gate like we did with Erin at first.  We still have the ones we bought for her.  Good thing, cuz this baby is mobile!  She has eight teeth now.  She still LOVES food, I haven't found anything she doesn't like, although there are a few things that aren't her fave, she still will eat them.  She has recently decided she loves avocado and olives.  She is having a really hard time taking naps because she can move, she hates to be on her back for any amount of time, so I've resorted to having her sleep in the car seat.  She is as adorable as ever!  Yesterday we spent about a half hour passing a brush back and forth, she thought this was hilarious! She is starting to pull herself up onto tables and chairs, she has really strong legs!  She loves taking baths with her sister or by herself, and she still thinks Erin is the coolest person on the planet! 
Happy Nine Months, Rylee!

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