Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tulip Festival

We had so much fun at the Tulip Festival!  On the way in, people kept commenting on how cute and happy Rylee was, and they were talking to her and smiling, she's so adorable. When we got to the gardens, Erin just wen tearing off down this hill, she was so cute!
and then she just kept going! I had to go around with the stroller, and by the time I got to the bottom, Erin and Tyson were nowhere to be seen.  I finally found them about 15 minutes later, at the carosel.

All I wanted was a picture of my two girls in their tulip outfits at the tulip festival.  It was not to be.  Erin is a little stinker and would not cooperate.  I got some really  cute ones of Rylee, though!

Here we are enjoying some lunch.  Rylee kept taking Tyson's carrots.

Here is Erin running from the camera.

Sort of a cute picture...

And here she is being a complete brat.

Sheesh.  Oh well, we had fun anyway!

1 comment:

shy said...

love the outfits. and Erins hair;)