Monday, January 3, 2011


I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! We did! Here are some pictures of all the Santa loot Erin got! I was excited to see her be excited this year, and while she kinda got it better than last year, she wasn't as excited as I thought she would be. It was still really fun, though!

Erin's loot

Before she knew what was going on...

Then she saw it!

She loved her house

She really loved her baby and ba ba

She got Shrek ears in her stocking

And of course a toothbrush and toothpaste! Which she had to "use" right away. By "use" I mean she sucked the toothpaste off the brush and then was done.

After she found the cookies, she was done with her stocking.

I was completely surprised by my present. Tyson is such a good present hider (not).

I had to inclued this picture of my sister, Ashlee with the gag gift I gave her. She'll love that I posted it. Ha Ha!! If you can't tell, that's Mistletoe on her forehead! Hee Hee!! I'm so funny!!!

So, that's Christmas and I hope everyone has a
Happy New Year!!!


Ashlee said...

Great pics of Erin! (Awful pic of me. Muchos gracias for that.) I hope your New Year is treating you well so far!

Alena said...

That is better then the gag gift Trevor has given before, I wont mention what it will have to ask him. Be sure to have Tyson next to you when you do.
Isn't Christmas just different now that you have a child? It just gets better...