Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dad's Little Helper

So I got this dresser at Walmart, little did I know it had 8 thousand pieces. During the next week and a half, Tyson put it together for me. Erin helped him the whole time. She loves helping her dad and figuring things out. It is so dang cute!!

She actually did put some pieces in the right holes, but try as she might, she couldn't screw in a screw.

She loves being with Dad!

She pulled the cutest faces the whole time, she was having a blast!

I think she was trying to figure out what these things do.

Here's Dad showing her where to put the screwdriver.

And Voila!! The finished project! Now it shall be filled with junk!!!


Falling Foward with Grace said...

AHHH!!! How cute. I need to charge my camera and start taking some pictures again! It's good to be back. I can't wait to do the gym thing with you on Tues. Bring your camera.

Ericksens and their half dozen said...

This reminds me so much of Alexis when she was little. Tyson used to dote over her so much. She has the same hair Alexis had too. Now look at Alexis-so much hair. Anyway, cute posts. It's fun to read up on your life. Isn't it sad I don't just call. I am indeed a bumb.